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| 20 Things I've Learned In 20 Years...How Has This Happened?!?! | 28/11/17 |

H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y   T O   M E ! 2 0 !

| OUTFIT | Tee: Neon Rose | Earrings: Asos | Jacket: Heelys | Trousers: Stradivarius | Shoes: Mifani | Clutch Bag: Asos |

Saying goodbye to my teenage years today is a disorientating feeling. Seven years of the valid excuse 'but I'm just a teenager' and the comfort of not yet reaching adulthood and responsibilities was calming. However, today I teenage no more, so I thought it would be interesting to reflect and to give an insight into 20 things I have learned in 20 years. HOW HAVE I BEEN ON THIS PLANET FOR TWENTY YEARS?!?! Please, grab a cuppa and enjoy. 

1. Turning 20 years old is scary, lol.

2. University is an experience I would 100% recommend to anyone, even though it can be stressful.

3.  Sleep and your diet completely alters how you feel: not enough sleep and you become grouchy; a poor diet and you lose all motivation to do anything productive. Getting enough sleep and eating well should always be a priority.

4.  Love wholly and selflessly. Love is such a powerful emotion that should not be restricted or dimmed of its power.

5. Travel. It is cliche to say the least, but travel really does aid you to appreciate the life you have, and experiencing the world allows you to obtain so much knowledge. 

6. Try things even if they scare you. Fear is incredibly powerful and can almost control you, so fight the fear and try everything and anything you can. Experiences are priceless.

7. Listen. Always.

8. Having friends is so important. Humans need to connect and communicate with each other, so finding a group of friends (small, or big) will benefit you mentally and intellectually. Friends are a support network, but also a happy place where you can relax and unwind.

9. Don't worry about what people think, just do you. At the end of the day, everybody cares mostly about themselves, so nobody is going to care if you wear your hair up or down, or if your shoes are Vans or Primark. Just do you, and be happy with the choices you make.

10. Remove people from your life if they hold no value to you anymore. It is brutal, but there is no room for negativity in your life, happiness is sacred, so jeopardising that out of fear or a lack of confidence to speak your mind is never a good idea. Be honest with people, and in turn you will be much more content.

11. Adventures are far more valuable than material possession. A new handbag or a trip to the zoo? Experiences are so valuable, and you probably don't need that bag. Always opt for an adventure rather than a material item, unless you really need it, or if you truly lust over it (lets not be hasty hehe, we still need our little luxuries in life).

12. Being too self-critical is unhealthy, so believing in yourself is essential. Be your own best friend, and take care of yourself because whatever is troubling you will be okay in the end, and through support and self love, difficult times will become easier.

13. Music is so beautiful. Listen to music whenever you can, and accept the challenge of finding your favourite style of music that brings you true happiness.

14. Finding your passion will bring you so much joy. Hobbies are a brilliant way to remove yourself from the daily grind and whatever is distracting you from bliss and contentment. Finding an activity that helps you to unwind and concentrate on something other than your personal issues is so good for you.

15.  Learn to deal with your emotions because expressing them is so important. First hand, I have learned and am still learning to deal with my emotions. I can fully understand that emotions can be difficult to handle, but with time and perseverance, you will succeed. Keep trying, and when you can healthily express your emotions you will feel rewarded with happiness.

16. Don't take life too seriously, just enjoy. Take it easy, allow yourself to breathe, and remember that you can control your life, so if you aren't enjoying yourself, make a change and try something new.

17. Dwelling on the past is fatal, similarly to worrying about the future, so live for the moment.

18. Take time out of your busy life to take care of yourself. An early night, a face mask, a home-cooked meal. A small activity is all you need sometimes to make sure you're taking care of yourself.

19. Home isn't always a place. Home can be anywhere, any thing, any person. 

20. Your happiness is dependent upon you and only you. Again, very cliche but true. If you want to be happy you must not rely on others, for sure they might help you feel happy, but the trick is to be independently happy too, so you have no need to fear change.

I hope you have enjoyed this post almost as much as I've enjoyed these 20 years lol, and I will see you next week for more!

Peace out x

'The difference between an ordinary life and an extraordinary one is only a matter of perspective. Pull the blinds. Look around you. It is a weird, wonderful world and you do not require a ten digit bank account to immerse yourself in it. Travel down dusty roads without a destination in mind. Climb a mountain and scream out into the void. Kiss a stranger. Skinny dip in a lake. Get lost and lose yourself (these are two separate things). Explore the wilderness (particularly the one within). Think less of destiny and more of the moment right here. Because in the end, as you reflect back on your life in that hospital bed, surrounded by all of your family and friends, fame won't matter, nor will the extent of your wealth. You are only the sum of stories you can tell.' Beau Taplin / An Extraordinary Life


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