Morning you lovely lot! Today on the blog, I have a post all about being able to relax at the end of the day, and how I most like to unwind. We have such busy lives and schedules, that it is so important to take some time at the end of the day to chill out and declutter your mind from the thoughts of the day. Here are the five ways in which I best unwind, and maybe you too could have a think about how you allow yourself to relax.
1. Cuppa tea
The most obvious(ly British) way to unwind is to grab yourself a cup of tea. For me, drinking a cup of tea is one of the single most effective and easiest ways to help me unwind. The whole tea experience is something to enjoy, making the perfect brew in your preferred mug, grabbing a couple of biscuits or the whole packet if you fancy it and sitting down to watch Netflix. Before almost completely forgetting that you made the tea but then suddenly saving it when its gone slightly luke warm and the disappointment on your face is unruly... I mean, I like tea, and other beverages too. But for real, tea seriously helps me to unwind at the end of the day by forcing me to sit down, have a drink and pop some trash TV on. My favourite programme to watch at the moment is 'Call The Midwife' as I am re-watching it from season one.
2. Sims 4
Much to George's frustration, I am completely infatuated by the Sims and at every opportunity I am on there in my pyjamas, creating the 'perfect' family to live in their beautiful home that I needed to use cheat codes for in order to afford. I am a sucker for the Sims 4 and I recently purchased the 'City Living' expansion pack, which I am thoroughly enjoying! As a child I used to love playing the Sims whenever I had the chance to, so having it now (in way better quality) is slightly nostalgic, but it also fulfils my desire to play around with interior design and sim-outfits. Hours of endless fun.
3. Listen to music (spotify)
I am a huge advocate for music, and listening to music constantly. Unless I am watching something, I will almost always have my Spotify playing (its: angelhowarth if you want to follow) with either my curated playlist or something random and funky. Music is such a great way to set the mood and to make you feel good! It also gives me so much more motivation to do work or to clean the house if there is music to sing and dance to meanwhile. I love music! AND, if you're a fellow student then they offer £4.99 a month as a special student discounted price for Spotify Premium. AWESOME!
4. A cooked meal and TV with George
As I'm sure some of you can relate, there is nothing better than spending some quality time with your significant other, doing something that you both enjoy. Well, myself and George are beginning to venture out in terms of cooking (and baking), and so it has become a nice little activity to cook up a meal and then sit and watch something on TV - our current series is 'Preacher' on Amazon Video, but we also have a long list of go-to programmes, like Extras, Louis Theroux and Rick & Morty. BTW what I mean by cooking, is George cooking the meal himself with the help of me chopping a couple of peppers, before sitting down with a cuppa and waiting for the meal to be ready. I am not much of a chef, but it has been fun trying stuff out. I can bake though, so I shall be the dessert maker from now!
5. Writing blog posts
I have been writing on this blog for way over two years now, and have continued to post, regardless of how many people read it or how many collaborations I am given. This is solely because I enjoy it. Writing a blog post for me is such an exciting way to express myself and my creativity. The whole process of building a blog post is exhilarating to me, so no matter what happens, I will continue to write my blog posts for enjoyment purposes, and anything else is honestly just a bonus.
Hope you enjoyed this post, see you next week for more!!! SENDING LOVE.
Peace out x
'They say you don't know what you've got till it's gone, but the fact is, with you, I always did. Not a day went by I didn't thank the stars of worships the earth you walked on. That's real loss. To know what you have, to cherish every moment, and then watch it slip away.' Beau Taplin / Saudade
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