Morning all, I hope today brings you all things kind and positive. Following on from a few weeks ago, where I briefly spoke about ways in which I have allowed myself to be at my most natural, I thought it would only be right to provide a small update on how things have progressed since. In terms of makeup and mindset, how have the two months changed me as a person, or have they?
Ironically, in this post I have been 'glowed up' with a swipe of lip gloss, a pink lid, filled in eyebrows and a touch of highlight - although aside from the shoot for this post, I have refrained from wearing makeup completely recently. I must admit that at no point have I felt tempted to cover up my under-eye circles or blemishes. Initially, it was difficult to accept my makeup-less face in public especially, because I felt self conscious about what people would think in terms of having blemishes and spots. But having left my skin alone for long enough, the spots and blemishes have become smaller in my mind, and to my amazement, have physically disappeared too because I've not been smothering my skin in product. I do feel as though my skin is now much healthier and has a more natural glow that even my trusty BB cream can't quite compare with. A natural glow is so much more confidence boosting than a dewy coverage foundation.
As I said in the previous post about self confidence, it really is all down to your mindset. Rather than focusing on the fact that your face is evidently bare and free from the makeup comfort blanket, try to use your creativity to make your fresh face all part of the look you're going for. Try throwing on something neutral, bohemian or a bunch of your wardrobe staples, to create a simple aesthetic to your look, that doesn't require a bold lip or heavy eye makeup. I don't know if that really makes sense to you guys, but that's kinda how I managed to boost my confidence when wearing a makeup-less face out in public, and now, I couldn't care less about what people think.
lol I'm so happy I can't keep my eyes open...
I do feel as though its much easier to feel better about your skin in the summer, because a slight tan and a bit of vitamin D does appear to make your skin flourish more so than in the bitterness of the winter. So, I feel as though the real challenge will be not wearing makeup when it draws closer to the winter because my skin does break out more during the colder months. But, I'm gonna try really hard to keep this fresh face thing up, because its making such a difference. I feel so happy in my skin recently, and its so refreshing!
If this post had the ability of inspiring you in any way, I hope its that you feel like you have the choice whether to wear makeup or not. Having the confidence to decide on your self image and the way in which you portray yourself to the world. Be a free spirit, if you feel most confident in a bright lip or severe contouring then go for it. If you are like me, and want to feel on top of the world at your most natural, then also just fucking go for it. You won't regret it. Be a free spirit and do what you need to do to feel the most beautiful version of you!
Peace out x
'I am working on learning how to be whole and free within myself, to acknowledge my brokenness, manifest my own happiness, and succeed and fail gracefully.' Beau Taplin / A Self Study
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