It's not often that I wear pink, and even though I have my new-ish pink Missguided jacket, it definitely hasn't been a go-to piece as it would be if it were black or grey. So this post is a little bit of a diversion from my normal attire, and evidently bolder than I usually feel comfortable wearing.
I recently purchased this top with the hope it would be thoroughly worn over the Christmas and New Year period, however I have struggled to style it up. I think this is partially due to the fact it doesn't sit as nicely across my shoulders as I'd hoped and when wearing it for a long time it does tend to feel quite tight, so it's not a jeans and a top kind of look so much. But, I have styled it here tucked into an A-Line skirt which I've found particularly flattering. It is a very elegant piece especially with the large embroidered flower print across the front, and so with a plain black skirt it just allows the emphasis of the outfit to be on the beautiful embroidery.
In other news, I have just purchased a new camera in the hope of developing the blog a little bit and making it look a little more chic and schmancy fancy. So within the next few weeks I am hopeful that you will be beginning to see some posts that look a little more professional and make the blog just a bit more aesthetically pleasing.
Peace out x
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