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Showing posts from May, 2017

| Keeping Thing's Simple | 26/05/17 |

HEY DUDES... I have been loving this change of weather this week; the continuous downpour of rain was just beginning to dampen my mood (pun very much intended), but now that the sun is shining, I feel very much refreshed and ready to provide summer content for you funky lot.  Before I get cracking, how do we all feel about money? Personally, I find money, and the absence of , utterly stressful. Since leaving home, I've felt overwhelmed at times with the responsibility of handling money; ensuring I have enough money to pay bills on time and so that I never run out. As a student, obviously this can be overbearingly painful at times as student loans aren't the most generous. However, I would honestly love to know if this is it now, for the rest of time, am I going to spend my entire existence feeling concerned about what's in my bank?!?!?!?! WILL THE PAIN EVER END?! Anyway, before I give myself premature grey hair and wrinkles, let's get on with things... ...

| The Practicality of A Perfect Summer | 19/05/17 |

EVENING DUDES! Whilst spending some time back at my family home, I am sat here listening to ' Stay Gold ' by First Aid Kit;  drinking a mug of tea from the assortment of teabags I brought back with me; and am reflecting upon the memories attached to the box that is my old bedroom. It's funny how what felt so familiar and such like home, now feels particularly distant from that. It seems as I have grown into more of a woman, the teenage moments have dissipated into nothingness and my old bedroom no longer feels a place of comfort and belonging, but more so a place I can unload my suitcase every once in a while. It is fundamental madness that within 7 months, your life can change so entirely to the extent that the concept of 'home' is so far removed from a physical place, but rather a place within yourself - a sense of relaxation and the feeling of content. ANYWAY, hey, hope you're doing great, and I hope you enjoy this lil post I have in store for you all....

| Adventure After Adventure | 07/05/17 |

Evening all! I hope you're all feeling great and that life is treating you well. I wanted to write a blog post today because I am very fast approaching the end of my first year of studying at University - 2 MORE DAYS TO GO, HURRAH. So, with that in mind, I have the joy of trying to plan my lengthy summer whilst being constantly reminded of the debt and penniless state I am and will be in for the foreseeable future. Mostly, I hope to earn some money but also to do some cool shit. Hopefully . Although, the thought of being a waitress or cleaning five days a week doesn't wholly appeal to me, so I have a new game plan. Strategy number two... My Etsy shop . Today, myself and George spent the afternoon pulling together the beginnings of an Etsy store, where I will predominantly be selling hand-made art, but with the hope of delving deeper into the fashion world also... I will leave a link here  and now FINALLY, I will resume the blog post... - OUTFIT - Jumper:  ZARA ...