Evening all... Whilst nursing my piping mug of inexpensive instant coffee, I sit here in a state of pure contentment. The harsh touch of the cold evening air seems irrelevant as I type to those of you who take the time to read my posts. And I thank you for that. The sense of contentment I feel is uncontrollable. The kind that completely consumes you, so much so that before you reach to check the time, it's been two hours and you've been sat in the same position, typing your heart out onto the digital page and pressing delete regularly in the fear of expressing too much. Recently, I've experienced a new beginning, a whirling rollercoaster ride of highs and lows; stresses and excitements; tiredness I've accepted as a part of me now, but also feeling the most alive possible. Truth be told, I am loving my newest chapter, and I've been trying awfully hard to embrace each day as it comes, and to make the most of every opportunity that comes my w...