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Showing posts from October, 2016

Nature Appreciation Post

  HAPPY SUNDAY EVERYONE. - OUTFIT - Sunglasses: Asos, Reclaimed Vintage Choker: Asos Blouse: Asos Black Vest Top: H&M Jeans: Topshop Joni Jeans Heels: New Look   So here I am again, and here you are again, taking up some precious time of this short life we have, to read my thoughts on the word. And on the agenda today: nature . I gotta' whole lot of love for nature, for the earth, for this crazy world we are lucky enough to live in. I honestly don't think we appreciate the wonders of the world enough - and I'm not talking the Great Wall of China or the Taj Mahal, as much as they are incredible. Every day, we wake up to the sound of the daily grind; to the jobs the we would rather miss to stay in the comfort of our warm beds and to the eternal passing of time. Sometimes I think we ought to take a minute out of our busy schedules to just sit outdoors and be at one with nature, because I do believe w...

- Double Denim Double Trouble -

- OUTFIT - Sunglasses: Jeepers Peepers Choker: Asos, Reclaimed Vintage Vest Top: Topshop Denim Jacket: Asos Jeans: Asos Loafers: Asos What better time is there to blog than at 12:30am, with a (still) raging hangover from last night's antics and the looming thought of waking up to my siren-resembling iPhone alarm at 9am, to get up and ready for another studious week of university? Exactly, now is the perfect time. P.S I am fully aware 9am isn't early, but it is for me:):):) This little ensemble pretty adequately sums up my summer attire this year, as each of these items have been worn about 336+ times already and are continuing to do so through the coming colder months. Although, my trusty loafers are not particularly tights/socks friendly (or weather resistant) so I'm feeling these tapestry gems might have to take a back seat until spring. ... 12:58am - Eyes just about remaining open. Also forgot about my cup of tea, shit. I feel a...

October 21st 2016. An evening of reflection.

Hello! So, picture this: A slightly sleep deprived student perched on the step of the backdoor, coffee to hand. The sweet sound of Nick Mulvey's album First Mind complimenting the silence of an empty house. A cold, crisp evening in midst October and a wandering mind. I decided to write this post as an expression of reflection and contentment, a diversion from the usual materialistic posts on fashion items and styling attempts. I would firstly just like to apologise for not posting in a few weeks, but as you may or may not know, I have just began my university adventure and despite the fact I have only been here three weeks, I feel as though its already been a lifetime of experiences and lessons learned. First day of uni University has honestly been the most insane journey so far: the almost sleepless nights; extreme consumption of alcohol and trying to find my way around university and the town I now call home. I have enjoyed ever...

'Jeans and a nice top'

    Afternoon my lovelies! ! ! !     As you most probably see on social media ALL the time, when you want to remain comfortable and casual but do not opt for leggings or joggers, every girls aim is to find some 'jeans and a nice top' to wear. This is commonly known as the attempt to not look like you've just rolled out of bed but also not like you've been up since 6 finding an appropriate outfit for the day.  So I thought it would be a grand idea to share with you my current 'jeans and a nice top' styling, particularly as the Autumn chill has definitely arrived.  Top: Asos Denim jacket: Heelies Jeans: Topshop (yep. Basic.)  Bag: River Island Shoes: Asos Accessories: Asos, H&M, Anna Saccone   So, as you can see, this is definitely a relaxed outfit that doesn't take too much effort to pull together. But that's kinda what I like most about it, comfort over style - but still stylish! I have also tried my utmost to use my trusty slide on loafers as...